Thursday 13 March 2014

How To Become a YouTube Superstar!

Did you know that the video-sharing website YouTube is the world's second biggest search engine after Google? How about that how-to videos are the most searched for videos after music?

Social Media Quotes

Many people we talk to are confident using YouTube on a personal level but are often much less confident using it for their own brand. We often get asked whether 'my brand should be on YouTube?' and, as with every platform, we say 'if your audience is there and you can create valuable, regular content for them!'. With over 1 billion unique monthly YouTube users from all over the world, the bets are that your audience is on YouTube, but how do you get started!?

One Channel, One YouTube
YouTube was created in 2005 and has been resigned many times - their newest version 'One Channel' was released in June 2013 with the aim to make the platform better for brands to interact with their audience.

Subscribers are key on YouTube and One Channel makes it easier for users to subscribe to channels. When setting objectives for your YouTube strategy increasing engagement and subscriber numbers should be up there.

A big part of One Channel is design which means better branding so select your channel art carefully. Your cover image and profile picture will give users a feel for what type of videos they're going to see and why they should subscribe to the channel.


Getting Stuck Into YouTube
In order to have a successful YouTube presence we recommend you creating a content plan (our favourite) so that you can post a range of unique, regular content to engage and keep subscribers returning to your channel. Brands that achieve long-term success on YouTube frequently post stimulating content with that all-important value.

When selecting content for YouTube it's good to remember that people are not going on YouTube to communicate with brands but with their passions, the things that make them laugh and content that gives them information. Add value and entertainment to people's lives tailoring it to your YouTube community, rather than boring corporate brand videos!

A carefully planned video will be relevant for years giving you the ability to link back to it hundreds and hundreds of times perfect for sharing across other platforms. People prefer visual (that's why images are so important on Facebook) so use and re-use your videos across all your platforms.

Becoming a YouTube Superstar!
Ok, so you may not gain as many subscribers as, say, Justin Bieber (8.9 million) but if you can provide valuable, unique video content to your loyal subscribers you'll become a superstar in their eyes! Here are a few tips...
  • Always ask 'who is my audience?' when planning your video content and make sure it fits no matter how good you think the idea is!
  • The average length of the top ten videos is four minutes so stick to those guidelines
  • Aim to post a video at least once a week on your YouTube channel
  • Post a range of videos using your key messages to keep users returning for different types of content and to give your business credibility on YouTube
  • Think about how you can educate subscribers with your videos through how-tos, tips, FAQ, expert interviews and insider information
  • Always encourage participation and discussion so open that up around your videos on YouTube and your other social platforms

Many of the world's most successful brands on social media create unique and exclusive shows for YouTube subscribers and of course, Red Bull is there! Red Bull's YouTube channel showcases extreme sports and achievements (the Felix Baumgartner space jump has over 36 million views) giving YouTubers an insight into the brand and its passions rather than just the products.

Successful YouTube Channels

Also, YouTube Spotlight has over 17 million subscribers and is definitely worth a look. It features many trending videos (less searching for you!) and has important news update videos on the channel on a regular basis.

We believe YouTube will continue to grow in 2014 and that more and more businesses will (and need to) create unique video content for their social media users... if you can create a blog post from information, you can create a video - maybe this post should have been one!

Jane x

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