Wednesday 14 January 2015

The Best Things in Life in January

2015 is upon us, a new year, fresh start and a time where we love to plan out our goals and dreams for the next year. 2014 was a fun and successful year for Katie & Jane and we look forward to all that 2015 has to bring!


Best things in life?
My new Happiness Tin! After reading my friend George’s new blog, I was so inspired by her thoughts on happiness I decided to create my very own happiness tin which she says will help to... 

“Consciously appreciate the little things in life that can so easily pass you by, not just so they can bring a smile to your face at the end of the year, but so you get into the habit of noticing the happiness and humour that happens all the time…if you choose to notice it.” 

This really reminded me of how much we like Happier, and as well as my tin I hope to start using the app a little more too! You can read our review of Happier here.

One way to avoid the January blues is to think about all the events and exciting things 2015 has in store! (although biased) I love using Countdown Keeper to collect all the things I have to be excited about, and being as organised as I am I love that I can keep them in custom categories that I’ve created myself too. To find out more about Countdown Keeper head to the App Store.

Who doesn’t love a Happy Birthday cake? To celebrate our second birthday we were treated to a lovely cake with our Katie & Jane dots on – it was so lovely to see those dots connecting and reflect on how far we’ve come in the last two years. We wrote our 2014 annual business review last week, you can find out about our highlights, challenges and memorable moments of last year here.

My New Year's resolution is...
I don’t usually make resolutions, as it’s inevitable I’ll break them after January! However this year I do intend to take better care of myself. It’s easy to get into bad habits when you are focused on everything else but yourself and building up a business during the last two years has meant that I have put myself and wellbeing at the bottom of the list, so I’m trying to eat better, work out more, stress less, let go of worries easier and be more mindful in 2015.

What I'm most looking forward to in 2015 is...
Seeing more of the world! I first visited Bali in 2010, and I’m so excited to be taking a trip back there this year, there is so much more to see of this beautiful country and the islands surrounding it. I am also happy that when I come home I won’t be dreading going back to work at all, Katie & Jane is definitely more of a lifestyle i.e. non-stop! I wouldn’t have it any other way though…

The pin that sums me up at the moment is...


Best things in life?
New stationery! I'm a stationery geek so was over-the-moon to receive a big parcel all the way from Australia containing tonnes of gorgeous Kikki.K stationery for Christmas. I've filled out my new 2015 diary using my new pens and my iPad is looking pretty with its new berry pink cover on! Literally in stationery heaven!

Daylesford herbal teas. On a recent visit to Daylesford Farm Shop in Kingham, Gloucestershire, I brought two boxes of their tea; green and peppermint. I love green tea so have tried a few different types but theirs is just perfect... not too 'green tea-y' (if you've tried green tea before you'll know what I mean) and the peppermint is so smooth and has been delicious to calm my tummy after stuffing myself at Christmas!

Breezy walks along the Suffolk coast... I've just got back from celebrating New Year in the lovely seaside town of Southwold with my friends and family and my most favourite thing that we did every day was walk along the beautiful beach. Southwold's beach is perfect in Winter... a long stretch of sand with beach huts one end and a pier the other. Along with it's amazing shops, cafes, restaurants and bakeries it's just the best place in the UK to see in the New Year.

My New Year's resolution is...
To meditate daily even if it's for five minutes! Before the Christmas period I completed a morning routine of yoga, skin brushing and meditation which I really found improved my day even after a week or so of doing it. Unfortunately with all the Christmas and New Year celebrations, the routine went AWOL. Meditation reduces stress, helps concentration, increases self-awareness and happiness and slows aging (!) so I plan to do it every day in 2015!

What I'm most looking forward to in 2015 is...
I do want to say Bali but actually I am most looking forward to all the exciting business opportunities in 2015 for Katie & Jane! I love that we don't have a clue where our business will take us next and every day is an adventure! Anything with '5' in is lucky for me so I know 2015 is going to be amazing in so many ways. After a few weeks off for Christmas and New Year I'm raring to get back to work!

The pin that sums me up at the moment is...

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