Monday 30 December 2013

Katie & Jane: Our First Year in Business!

The 1st January 2014 is a significant date for Katie & Jane; our first birthday!

On reaching this milestone and nearing the end of our first year we wanted to reflect on the past 12 months, our best & worst bits, the moments that mattered and the important things we've learnt.


In November 2012 Jane & I were reading everything we could get our hands on to fill our brains with positivity & confidence. One of our favourite inspirations was Sir Richard Branson (of course!) and little did we know when reading Screw Business As Usual by the man himself that just under 10 months later we would be featured by the team at Virgin Unite as entrepreneurs and be working with Virgin Trains. What a great first year journey!

When we started with our social media mission 12 months ago, we knew we would be competing in a saturated market so we had to do things differently. We went with our intuition that in the near-future, the percentage of social media management taken in-house rather than outsourced to agencies would increase and felt there was a place for researched, bespoke and tailored social media training (without the jargon!) for in-house teams so they could make informed decisions about social media. We were sure that training delivered by the two of us who had not only created & delivered social media strategies but also managed & ran the social media activity on the ground could be very valuable for a company. Only time would tell if our intuition was right!


Without losing our passion for this concept, we pushed on through the naysayers and people we met who told us we should be running Facebook & Twitter accounts for other people’s companies and are now proud to have worked with a variety of companies this year, from exciting start-ups, national brands and the likes of Virgin Trains and Inner Me  who understand the value of placing social media knowledge within their own teams rather than outsourcing. So... our intuition was right!

In other areas of the business, we are very proud to have self-funded Katie & Jane and it feels great that we have worked together to reinvest in our business for long term growth, not just on the social media side but with app development too. One of the greatest reliefs of the year has to be that Jane & I really are a great team, we thought we were, but this year has absolutely proven it. We both are in tune to the same goals, so we both work with a steely determination to get there – and we have a huge amount of fun on the way too!


Although we both want tomorrow, today, we are learning how to balance moving forward at pace, while making sure we reflect on our learnings and keep our focus too. We keep positive, bounce back from setbacks and always stay true to ourselves. So many people seem to equate business success with financial gain, but honestly the freedom of creativity, building your own dream instead of someone else's and creating something that someone else is prepared to invest in are the monumental achievements that keep us striving forward.


We have learnt so much about the app world this year, from our tracking and monitoring of current trends, to mastering the search for a great developer that ‘gets’ your project and goals. There have been setbacks along the way on our journey so far, but we haven’t given up and our first app will hit the App Store in early 2014. Seeing it for the first time was our most memorable highlight of the year. A huge amount of work has gone into creating our first app (of many!) and it’s currently in beta testing and looking very good! Being a team of two Virgos, with Jane’s unbelievable eye for detail and our high standards it's taken a while for us to be completely happy with it and we want to make sure we bring out a product we are proud of, so stay tuned!


Last but definitely not least, we both love our blog. It was a surprise to both of us how much we’d get out of writing about our work, life and play. We love to hear people tell us what they've gained from reading our blog and it can get slightly addictive looking at our reader numbers! We're really looking forward to writing many more posts in 2014.

We're also really excited to be kicking January off to a great start at Birmingham’s Innovation Centre as part of their e4f (Entrepreneurs for the future) initiative, so here’s to 2014 and year number two!

Happy New Year,
Katie x

p.s All of our images in this post are taken from our Instagram channel!

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