Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Scrapbooking Secrets

In an era in which we're taking more and more photos yet printed photo albums are becoming extinct, I've found a way of displaying and remembering moments in a non-digital way which, for me, is very important... scrapbooks.

I've been creating scrapbooks since 2004 as a way of collecting all the lovely photos I'd taken with the additions of ticket stubs, printed programmes, gift tags and a whole host of other things. I store all of my photos digitally but there's something therapeutic and natural about collecting, cutting and sticking memories into a big book, which I now have four of.

My very first entry... 

For each major event in my life there is a scrapbook page, or a few! Birthdays, holidays, concerts but also special outings, business creations and puppy love! I love to sit every now and again and look back on all the amazing things I've done and it's just not the same doing that in front of a computer. I enjoy opening little cards that I've stuck in, pulling out festival wristbands and touching dried petals. I hope they become part of my familys history one day!

My latest entry...

Tips on creating your own...
  • Decide whether you want to go big or small (I go for A3) and buy your scrapbook. Over the years I've used black and coloured paper, both of which look great but I'd definitely say bigger is better
  • Starting with your first entry go through your digital photos and print out those which mean something to you, capture the moment or make you smile. I try not to pick the typical 'posed' photos but more the ones that remind you of that moment in time perfectly
  • Don't forget to start collecting additional souvenirs at events like business cards from restaurants youve loved, postcards and wrapping paper to add to your book too
  • Once collected, get everything together; scissors, glue-stick and colourful pens to write titles and you're ready...
  • I start by laying everything out in front of me with the items I'm not going to cut in one pile and those ready for the chop in another
  • Take the 'non-cutting' photos and collections and position them in each corner of your page, leaving room for the title should you wish to have one
  • I always position the important items in first then have a few 'back-ups' ready to fit in and fill the space if needs be
  • Next I take the items ready for cutting and find spaces to fit them in, only cutting them once I see how they're going to fit on the page - I'm not a fan of gaps!
  • Once you're happy with your layout (this may take a few attempts until you become a pro) carefully move the collection to one side, keeping the layout intact and start to stick them down. Pay attention to the bits you want to sit under others sticking those first
  • Now that everything is looking lovely and is stuck down you can add a title - I like to add the event, date and sometimes who was there. Also, as I'm a tiny bit OCD if there are any gaps I do little drawings to fill them

Scrapbooking has been an important part of my life for over ten years now and I aim to continue it for a long, long time. Although it can be a little time consuming at first, stick with it as the rewards are great!

My favourite entries...

Jane x

1 comment:

  1. I've found a way of displaying and remembering moments in a non-digital way which, for me, is very important... scrapbooks. paper roses
